Sunday, October 14, 2012

Encouraging Our Kidlets

I think it's so important as parents that we support and encourage our kids as best we can.

Everyone is different and therefore everyones parenting style is so different. Being around so many parents you see such a different in the parenting as all kids are so different.

From as soon as she could show her emotions my little girl has been a shy and timid and does lack confidence at times. She is a complete sweetheart and a joy in my life but I do try and encourage her as much as possible, sometime this is to no avail. Despite my constant reassurance and positive feedback it is just sometimes too much for her. I recently saw her overcome this somewhat and it was very inspiring to see.

My daughter recentely had her first ballet exam. She has been doing ballet for 2 years now and just adores it, she dances whenever she can. The day before her ballet exam her teacher organised them to have a mock exam so that the girls knew what to expect. We had not made a big deal out of the exam so that there was little pressure. We just told her she would be dancing and would get a medal and certificate.

During the mock exam she ran out crying to the toilets and i went to check on her. She told me through the tears that she was scared and that she would fail. I reassured her that Mummy and Daddy just want you to have fun and that Miss Belinda (her wonderful teacher) didn't care she just wanted her to have fun too. Our motto is as long as she tries her best that's enough for us.

She eventually pulled herself together and went back in and carried on and I was proud of her for being brave.

The exam was on the next day and on the car in the way there she was so calm. She told me that she was just going to have fun and that Caitlyn (her best ballet buddy) would be next to her the whole time. I was so glad she had heard some of what I said.

When we got there all the kids looked great, despite this mum having to youtube how to use a ballet bun donut at 7.30am. They were all beaming and excited. They got their numbers pinned on and went in. The parents waited patiently and they finally came in all excited. Their teacher informed us that they had all done enough in her opinion to pass! The girls range from 4-6 years old so i think there is not too much expected of them at this age.

I was so extremely proud of my little munchkin and her bravery. I don't think I could have gotten up infront of a stranger and danced.

It's moments like this when you see something that you say to your child make an impact that you feel like you are doing something right in your parenting. I gotta say for all the times we second guess ourselves as parents it is nice to feel that sense of "I'm doing good".

A picture of the little ballerina

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